7 Reasons to Study Aboard While You Are Young

1.    Meet a diverse range of people

Study aboard is not like studying in a school in your neighbourhood. Everyone who wants to go aboard to study must leave the environment which they get used to, that means they will meet a lot of people from different backgrounds. It is a chance to extend their social network which is related to being successful in the future. It is easier to understand and improve the ability of social communication through talking with people who have different education backgrounds, life experience, hobbies on weekends, personalities and so on.

2.     Experience of food culture

Going to another country is not only about seeing amazing places, but also to give it a try on different food cultures. Food is always one of top reasons why people want to go to another country. It is simple to understand studying aboard is a perfect chance for that. Most of study aboard programmes are 1 – 12 months, what are quite enough to taste local food and have the experience of that food culture.

3.    Deal with new problems

Making changes for your life it is not as easy as changing the wallpaper on your smart phones. There are many problems of life style, study methods, as well as culture shock, weather, etc. It is possible that everything could be complained by you when you feel difficult to handle. Nevertheless, dealing with them can make yourself better, no matter in your personal life, study or future careers.

4.    Understand the different world

Everyone knows the whole world is different everywhere. So, it is a change that leaving from your home country or the place you used to live to a new surrounding. It is a challenge what gives you a possibility to rethink the world. People don’t know everything on earth, that’s why there are so many stereotypes exist. Going to study in other countries might change how you think the world and open your eyes for more things which you don’t know or misunderstand.

5.    Personal improvements

Before I went aboard to study in South Korea, I had not known anything about how to apply for visas, opening bank accounts in a foreign bank, travelling by KTX, trying to talk in a language I had completely no idea, etc. After almost one month staying in Korea, I handled them well, and I started to be into some Korean cultures.

6.    Get closer to family

Being away from something always make people think about it more. When someone is studying aboard he or she may be far away from their families, that makes them love their families more and appreciate more. Like myself I am always away from my family, I have traveled to Korea, Japan, Thailand… Now I want to get back to my mom and dad, my cousins… Even though I see them every week on Facetime, the feeling is different compared to looking them in person.      

7.    Academic and Future carers

Education is an important part of human life, not only it is required to get a job later, but it is needed by the global development.  But why study in a foreign country? The answer is simple, the experience you get while you are studying aboard creates more potential possibilities for you in the future. For example, students from Asia study in US schools are getting study and living experience in the United States what is useful for international cooperation between Asian countries and the United States, as same as Latin students and Europeans.  Also, the academic requirements in American universities are much higher than universities in Asia and South America, international students can improve their academic and research abilities more quickly and higher. Those experience will also help them to work in the international business, marketing, social media and much more fields.


Laura Tucker (2014). 25 Reasons to Study Abroad. Retrieved from https://www.topuniversities.com/blog/25-reasons-study-abroad

SIEC 2017. Wish to Study Aboard. Retrieved from http://siecindia.com/

IDIS (2017). Rangsit University. Retrieved from https://idis.rsu.ac.th/
